Pink Slip Reports
This report contains lowlights of the
voting history of individual legislators since they took
office. To get the most out of this tool, first time
visitors are encouraged to read the preface below.
on File:
Why Did We Do This?
Some people prefer
to focus on the positive things that elected officials sometimes do
in government. While it is true that decent bills occasionally
squeak through the legislature, they do not stay the
mounting tide of oppressive
government. The all-too-frequent trend in today's
legislature is to vote against freedom
and strong communities.
To use an analogy, if someone were to cut off your right arm
and leg, you would probably not praise him for leaving you
the left arm and leg. You would instead focus on the
fact that the perpetrator just deprived you of your right
arm and leg. Likewise, just because a legislator votes
correctly on a few bills, he is not therefore excused from
stripping citizens of their rights and property on many
other critical bills.
For this reason, the
Pink Slip report focuses on the political actions and
inactions of lawless legislators, and the tremendous damage they have
done in their short political career. Every year
without fail, these legislators cut an arm off here and hack
a leg off there. They then act incensed when citizens
refuse to look the other way, tickle their ears with
niceties, or support their re-elections.
The Pink Slip is
designed to prove that the negative actions of these
legislators are hurting you, and it is time for abusive
employees to be removed from office.
You'll Be
Surprised at What You CAN Do
Accountability Utah has made
painstaking efforts to provide you with this research on the
history of these legislators. We hope that you will
come here often to obtain the information and training you
need to take back your government and hold your elected
officials accountable.
Pink Slip report allows you to print additional
copies for your family, friends, and neighbors. If you
desire to send a
copy to the your legislator, print a copy, sign it, and mail or fax it to
him. We have also provided a one-page termination
notice for each employee (see the Supervisor Section at the
bottom of each report).
Information is also
provided to allow you the opportunity to contact the
corporations and individuals who have financed the
legislator's political campaign. To assist you, view
and adapt our Sample Corporation Letter
in Word
97 format or
plain .htm format
to your liking (this link
is also available on each Pink Slip
Feel free to examine
Extended Bill Summaries
of all the bills used to
evaluate legislators for continued employment or a
Pink Slip.
If you have comments or suggestions, please
email us at
If this report is too
harsh and insensitive for you,
try this site instead...