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Legislative Audit: 58,000+ Illegals Get Driver's License; Hundreds Register to Vote

(News for 2/21/05)

Summary: We tried to warn you. Phony reformers like rep. David Ure and sen. Howard Stephenson have enabled the criminal hordes to flow into Utah and take advantage of a naïve and foolish citizenry. In spite of this audit, the legislature continues to reward them.


1. 58,000+ Illegal Aliens Get Utah Driver's License

2. Hundreds of Criminals Register to Vote

3. How Do Legislators Respond? "Good Going!"

4. How Should True Statesmen Respond?

1. 58,000+ Illegal Aliens Get Utah Driver's License

A February 8, 2005, audit conducted by the Office of the Legislative Auditor General revealed what we have been warning citizens about for years:

"Utah has issued over 58,000 driver licenses to individuals who appear to be undocumented aliens. Personal identification cards were issued to another 37,000 individuals who also appear to be undocumented aliens... Utah is used as a portal by undocumented aliens to obtain a driver's license."

How is this possible? Illegal aliens — criminals — obtain matricula consular cards and use these as valid forms of identification to circumvent American immigration laws and fraudulently obtain drivers licenses.  According to the audit, Utah statute also permits them to use Individual Tax Identification Numbers (ITIN) issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue "Service" (IRS) for those who do not qualify for a Social Security Number.

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2. Hundreds of Criminals Register to Vote

In addition to pilfering driver's licenses, the legislative audit found that illegals are registering to vote, and are voting, in our elections. Under the caption, "Voter Registration List Includes 383 Individuals with ITINs, Most Appear To Be Undocumented Aliens":

"Of those who appear to be undocumented aliens who were issued a driver license or personal identification card, 383 also registered to vote... We asked the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to research the 383 to identify their immigration status. After examining a sample of 135 registered voters from our list, the agency reported that five were naturalized citizens who were eligible to vote. However, 20 were "deportable" and one was a legal permanent resident, none of whom are eligible to vote. The remaining 109 were described as having no record and 'likely to be illegal aliens' who would also be ineligible to vote. According to state voter registration records, 14 of the 383 actually voted in an election, but we could not confirm whether or not those 14 were actually citizens."

The audit also found that "roughly 60,000 individuals are registered [to vote] in two or more voter precincts in the state."

It should be noted that this audit was by no means exhaustive. We will discuss the skewed audit findings in the next topic.
Note: The audit also made no mention of the fact that various licensing offices freely grant driver's licenses based upon the Mexican matricula consular card.

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3. How Do Legislators Respond? "Good Going!"

It should first be noted that the Office of the Legislative Auditor General is not an independent entity, but rather is controlled and manipulated by the Senate President, John Valentine and House Speaker, Greg Curtis.
Note: For more information on the rules that enable this two-man monarchy to exist, see our Issue in Focus: "Rule By Monarchy: How the House Speaker Manipulates Your Representative."

Because of this, the audit naturally does not go so far as to actually recommend the obvious: deny illegal aliens any incentive to come to Utah, including driver's licenses, health care benefits, and lifetime "resident tuition status".  And there is certainly no mention of deportation or even of adding some level of security to ensure that real citizens are the only ones registering to vote.

Instead, the audit recommends that illegals be rewarded for violating federal law by receiving a separate driver's license:

"Consider enacting legislation similar to that adopted by the State of Tennessee which allows non-citizens (with ITINs) to be identified as a separate class of drivers."

This cowardly reluctance to effectively remove the incentives that attract the illegal hordes is, unfortunately, consistent with prevailing past and present attitudes amongst legislators.  Consider their track record:

  • In 2002, rep. David Ure and sen. Howard Stephenson sponsored HB 144, to allow children of illegal aliens to receive lifetime in-state tuition at Utah colleges and universities if they meet certain requirements. HB 144 blatantly discriminated against American citizens — particularly those who achieved their status through legal and lawful means — and encouraged lawlessness.  An American citizen who moves away from Utah for a couple of years loses his resident status. Under HB 144, an illegal alien retains his status forever, no matter where he resides or what taxes he does or does not pay. See a flier by Accountability Utah on HB 144.
    Note: See also our flier, "Not All Terrorists Wear Turbans".

  • In the final hours of the 2003 session, a resolution in support of illegal aliens was enthusiastically pushed ahead of two anti-abortion bills.  These abortion bills were never heard.  See our special report: "How Anti-Infanticide Bills Die in a "Pro-Life" Senate: A Summary of Facts & Eyewitness Accounts".

  • In the 2004 legislative session, a bill (HB 109 S1) to reject matricula consular cards and a bill to end lifetime resident tuition status (HB 366) were both defeated by House leadership.

  • In the 2005 legislative session, another bill (HB 239) to end resident status has been defeated by house leadership in committee.

  • In the 2005 legislative session, sen. Curt "Kervorkian" Bramble, with the blessing of senate president John Valentine, is running a bill (SB 227) to grant illegal aliens "driving privilege cards".  In other words, these criminals are to be awarded special licenses for their lawlessness.
    Source: According to "Immigration 'driving card' measure slammed," Deborah Bulkeley, Deseret News, Feb. 16, 2005, sen. Valentine "thanked him [Bramble] for his support. 'We appreciate your taking the lead and being willing to come to a compromise,' Valentine said."

  • In the 2005 legislative session, rep. Curt Oda, with the unanimous accolades of his colleagues in the house, has forwarded a bill (HB 223) to not only perpetuate the fraudulent use of the ITIN, but allow another potential mechanism for illegal aliens to obtain a Utah license.

This insanity is not limited to the state legislature. As we originally reported on our Flounders Quotes page, Utah congressman Chris Cannon stated in a speech at the MALDEF award ceremony on June 6, 2002:

"We love immigrants in Utah. And we don't oftentimes make the distinction between legal and illegal. In fact I think Utah was the first state in the country to legislate the ability to get a drivers license based on the matricula consular and of that I am proud."
Source: American Patrol Feature, American Patrol, June 8, 2002.

In addition, Governor Huntsman has already invited Mexican President Vicente Fox to visit Utah.
Source: "Huntsman sends Mexico's Fox invitation to visit," Deseret News, Feb. 1, 2005.

The Fox regime has opposed past legislative efforts to stop allowing illegals to receive driver's licenses.  In 2002, for instance, Mexican consul Patricia Deluera opposed HB 109, which, as aforementioned, would have required the Driver License Division to receive some form of valid identification (other than matricula consular cards) before granting driver's licenses.  Deluera stated:

"I am very concerned that the relationship between Utah and Mexico will be damaged if HB 109 succeeds. This bill promotes hatred against the Mexican people." 
Source: "Church misquoted on illegals," Josh Loftin & Adam Benson, Deseret News, Feb. 27, 2004. Learn more about HB 109.

What about the damage that occurred when the Mexican government openly and repeatedly encouraged its citizens to defy the laws of the United States?

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4. How Should True Statesmen Respond?

Immigration was an important benefit to the growth and strength of early America.  But in order for immigration to benefit America, those who are not inclined to obey wise laws must not be allowed to further corrupt our society.

It takes time to absorb, and become unified with, people from very different cultures.  History has proven that language and cultural barriers need to be adequately addressed if any society is to survive.  This is why policies were enacted to limit the number of immigrants, and to screen and test potential immigrants prior to awarding them citizenship.

Without sufficient time and other precautions, Utah will continue down the dismal road recently evidenced in California.  We will Balkanize and lose the one advantage we still have over other nations: a heritage of unity, a focus on maintaining essential freedoms, and a respect for just and wise laws.

Those who would come and refuse to abide by the laws that made our Country should not remain.  These criminals should be deported — not be rewarded with driver's licenses for breaking our laws.

In order to stop the lawless hordes — from all over the globe — who are invading our nation, we need to stop handing out enticing carrots, such as driver's licenses, health care benefits, and lifetime "resident tuition status."  We should stop thumbing our noses at American citizens, including law-abiding immigrants who dignify themselves by coming here legally.

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Accountability Utah recipe: Take our information and opinion, research their information and opinion (if it is available), and then examine the law and draw your own conclusions.  If you have comments or suggestions, please email us at info@accountabilityutah.org.


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